I don't know if this was there before his statement, but check out Phil's website.
He's going to teach us all how to win at poker!
Ever since Phil's statement came out, there's been a ton of talk regarding how self serving it was, and that it marked the final nail in FullTilt's coffin, yada yada yada....what did you expect? Phil is the franchise. Period. And he's not going down with that sinking ship, no way, no how.
He's worked very hard to achieve his stature, and his actions should be no surprise to anyone. Least of all to the morons who run FullTilt poker. Funny how these bozo's don't say anything significant regarding the player cashouts, but yet in record time, respond to Ivey's statement.
I hope they all get just what's coming to them....and let's pray that the vaseline gets thrown out in the process.