Thursday, December 20, 2007

Full Tilt's Employee #45

To protect his identity, we'll just refer to him as Mr. "Really Nice Guy'.

Obviously, this was an important hire for FT, since this guy was going to be working 24 x 7, and his job would be to deal cards. Of course, this is a very boring job. So, as a form of entertaining himself, he sets up some really fun hands, for his personal enjoyment. Over and over on Full Tilt, you'll swear you see hands that statistically shouldn't come that often, well, come up quite often. So yeah, it's #45 just having a little fun to break the monotony of his job. Hec, last week in a matter of one day, he found it amusing to deal me quads, get me all excited about it, only to give my opponent his 1 out rivering a straight flush. Then a mere 20 or 30 hands later, deal me quads again, and once again, giving my opponent another 1 outer for higher quads. Very entertaining to all, except probably me. I could just see the little fucker laughing his ass off too.

At any rate, I'm sure everyone has been victimize by #45's cruel sense of humor at some point in time. But just think if you had to deal a few hundred thousand hands a day, you'd have to do something to help you get through the day too!

Oh yeah, I understand he's got a brother who deals at Stars too. The sense of humor definitely runs in the family. Haha!

I leave you with a little sample of #45's humorous dealings, brought to you courtesy of last night Blogger's Mookie event:


1 comment:

Alan aka RecessRampage said...

And here I thought #45 only dealt the cash tables...