Thursday, February 12, 2009

Huge tournament victory!

I have completely been flaming out in the a little Dookie win is nice.  

On a different note, I started reading Gus Hansen's 'Every hand revealed' book.  So far, it's been an interesting read, I'm through the money bubble busting.   His goofy attempt at being humorous is actually pretty entertaining.....I look forward to reading the rest of it.


1 comment:

JD Schellnutt said...

Hi Fred,
I read the Hansen book as well and enjoyed it. My question I had when I finished was how to defend against someone that plays like that. Seems like trapping preflop would be the worst answer...and post flop play would def. depend on stack size comparisons even more so than having position. Seems like you would almost have to out aggro his ass if you had him covered...and if he had you covered, build a pot pre and be willing to ship the flop if he has you covered. Seems like he never made loose POSTFLOP calls if he wasn't getting the right price from his book. His atc strategy was only for preflop or if someone small balled him. Let me know what you think. Good luck.