Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Exorcism at the Mookie!

Password is Vegas1.

Those nasty 2 outers to beat me, are still coming. I can't seem to shake them.

I think what I need is some kind of exorcism. In Poker, that's some kind of major suckout. Like cracking aces with the Hammer! yeah...thats the ticket! But the key to the exorcism, is you need the right 'sacrifice'

Hmmmmm.......Waffles? You playing tonight? ;-)



SirFWALGMan said...

I'll be your huckleberry! See you tonight. Good luck! You have been oh so close to winning.. too bad loser! blahahahaha! ;).

lightning36 said...

Def a virgin sacrifice ...

word verification: jugges lol