I have played the nightly 24k on Fulltilt every night this week. On all 3 nights, I managed to get fairly deep, playing solid poker, picking spots, and chipping up very nicely. I believe on each night I had stacks up to 30k, made the money, and thought I had a good chance at final table appearances. However, that did not happen. Multi Table Tournaments are very interesting, in that there are many approaches, strategies, theories, etc, on how to play these, and I believe most have valid points. There are many books obviously as well, that also give very good instruction, but at the end of the day, they all lead to the same road.
That road in my opinion, is the one you reach when there is about 30 player's left. Someone stated once, that in order to win a MTT, you must put yourself in a position to get lucky. I can't think of a better way to describe that 'road' I'm referring to, because once you get to that final 30, it's exactly that. I have been there so many times, and like many, have always had that one hand that if it goes our way, gives us a huge stack, and would have definitely propelled us to the final table.
I have managed to 'navigate' that road on several occasions. Last year, I took down the nightly 25k, and came 2nd in the 50/50. I also had numerous other final tables, where I came somewhere between 4th and 9th. I assure you that in all those tournaments, I had to 'get lucky' at some point. Even if that means as I recall on the occasion of the 50/50 tournament, having to 'suck out' an ace on the river to make a higher a set made by my opponent on the flop. Making final tables is the summit for tournament poker players, and making it in the big buy in events of course is even sweeter.
I think there are definite do's and don't s, but for the most part, the poker gods and freaking employee #45 have to treat you right.
Last night in the Mookie (and actually the Dookie) I made the final table. I was bounced in 8th place on a hand, pretty much like the one I just described. Here it is for all that which to see the action.
For the first time I tuned into Buddy Dank Radio. It definitely puts a great spin on things, and I think the guys on the show do a pretty good job, especially when it came to free for all pushfest at the end! Now that was alot of fun, even though I wound up on the short end of the stick. I think running these at the very start of the Mook, so we could get a ton of player's would be even better! Maybe one of my 3 readers can suggest that to the hosts.
Congratulations to Surf who took down the Mook, and to Mookie himself for coming ever so close in the runner up spot.
My Personal Life, Part I: The Gift
2 weeks ago