My way of giving back to the community! :-) Big Congrats to Senor Hoyazo for taking it down in a huge way, and earning the TOC seat.
So since that was over before it started, I played some other tourny's and heads up cash matches.
This one is from the 32K last night. It's my daily vice tourney. The play is pretty horrible, especially early on. If presented with a good situation where I can get a huge stack, I'm willing to gamble it up. Check this guy out, 'trapping' me with his flush:
Here I figured to have the best hand preflop, and was willing to gamble it up to get a huge stack. Unfortunately, it didn't work out:
And fellow bloggers and readers, 'the final hand:'
By the way, this was the 2nd Straight flush of the night against me, what are the odd's???
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