Right or wrong, I played this hand exactly how I wanted to. I went with my gut, and in this instance, I suppose I was wrong. My flat call with the AK of prophet's raise, was to either reraise anyone (esp John) who repopped, or if they all folded, I had position on prophet to play the hand. As you can see, Andrew came for the ride sweetening the pot, and John raises 25% of his stack, leaving 3k behind. Given that we both knew our position's last night in the BBT3 standings, I felt a push was even better because I didn't think he'd call with anything other than kings or aces, and I thought the setup was good enough that he would be making that raise with a pp he could get away from. Well he had qq's, and went with them and won the flip. Ce la vie. Truly a disappointment given I had the lead for the better part of the month.
I suppose the super 'cooler' doesn't know his own strength either. (Big Grin Waffles)

It was a great run this month TBA.
You should be proud.
I didn't think you had aces or kings so I felt I had to call (further analysis is on my own blog.) You're a very tough competitor and I feel fortunate to have won this month. Good luck next month and in the TOC.
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