Saturday, April 5, 2008

BBT3 - Game #22 Riverchasers & Bloggerdom drama thoughts

Congrats to KatieMother for taking down Riverchasers and the coveted BBT3 TOC seat. I was at her table for a while and we had a little 'tete a tete' going on. Probably a little leftover biz from our recent play in the 50/50.

Probably for 3 or 4 orbits, she was raising my BB, and then even though I was in early, I had been raising up her BB. She didn't know this of course, but I had Aces each time. It was so weird, I had AA in her BB at least 3 times. The last time, I suppose she finally got fed up and appears she either decided to play a Stop N Go on me, or perhaps she had a hand. Check it out:

Obviously she made a good laydown, I really thought at the time, she had AJ or some kind of Ace, maybe even the flush draw (KQ?), and thus put out the blocking bet, altering the plan if she indeed was thinking about the S & G. At any rate, she could have spewed some more chips obviously, and the tournament may have had a different outcome. Good play on her part.

On another note, I was way behind on the news, and last night was catching up to find there's some drama going on in bloggerdom. I remember when I first started playing with the bloggers, I had many 'comments' directed at me, which were very unfriendly.
I attributed that to the fact that I was not a blogger, and that I was in some way 'intruding' on the community. I did at one point recall, maybe it was in Hoy's blog, that the blogger tournaments welcomed reader's as well. Frankly, I think it's good to have it an 'open' event, and given you still need the passwords, I think it gives good advertisement to the overall poker blogging community, and in the case of the BBT3, a nice increase in the prize pool. Nevertheless, the only thing that seems amusing to me, is that any person who throws out an insult in the chat, whether it was a bad beat, or a bad play, a stupid call, a donkey call, etc.....has not only done it him/herself, but has done it on MANY occasions! Right??? Present company included. If your going to throw out the barbs, under the premise that your own play is perfect, hence somehow justifying the comment, is beyond ludicrous.

So I hope really hope that in the interest of sportmanship, we all take the friendly banter with a huge grain of salt, let's just not make things personal.

I really don't think there is a need to take it there.



Riggstad said...

That i a really wierd hand and can only expect that she had an underpair. Maybe 99-JJ

I think she shoves QQ or KK pre to your intial bet.

And you are dead on with the comments. I mentioned that pretty much in my post as well.

Although I'm beginning to think that some folks grain of salt would need to be about the size of a baketball :)

4dbirds said...

Darn it, I don't remember what I had in that hand so I don't know if I was brillant or not. LOL. I didn't have an ace. Let me see if I can find the hand history, but it will have to wait till tonight when I'm at home.

lj said...

<----- guilty

all i knew about you when you started playing was that you played one big game in bbt one, won it, and then never played anything else. that annoyed me, and i believe i may have rooted against you one night. :-(

also, you tilted me so hard in the first big game of bbtwo i don't think i'll ever forget it.

but...i'm glad you started blogging and it's been a pleasure playing w/ you. kiu!