Congrats to Surf on the victory, and scoring the TOC seat.
I've been playing a 50/30/20 split lately between tournaments, HU sng's and cash games. I have been doing ok, and will show a nice profit for this month. It of course would have been better, had I not had some of the cooler's I've been dealt, but I suppose that's part of the evil side of variance.
I have been playing at the 2/4 level mostly, and hope to put in another 10k hands, before deciding if I'm ready to move up to 3/6.
Here's a hand from 2/4, where my opponent couldn't get away from JJ. I think he definitely knew he was beat, but it's this part of the game you must conquer, if your going to be a profitable cash game player. Of course, you must also get to know your players too, which isn't too difficult since most of the players at whatever level your at, are regulars. That and using tools like pokertracker of course, are only going to help you stay on the positive side of the scale.
Tonight is Mookie night, as the BBT3 concludes it's second month. I haven't done the math, but I noticed that George finished higher than Waffles last night, so he may still have a chance at the month end prize. Good luck to both of you.

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